Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sporty Girl Style #1--The Remodeled Ponytail

Okay, so today I will tell you how to turn your boring old ponytail into a stylish, sporty, remodeled look. So, to start off, you will need: -A thick elastic (or thin one if you have thin hair) -A brush of any sort -Bobby pins or headband if you have fly-away hairs Now, the first step is to French braid one side of your head. If you do not know how to French braid, YouTube is a really good source! Then, take a bobby pin and secure it tightly on whichever side you French braided. Now, put your hair into a ponytail. Finally, if you have fly-away hairs, you can either hairspray them down or you can bobby-pin them, or put a head band made of a soft material on. That's how to make a boring ponytail a French classic!

My Story

Hey Guys!

Thanks for checking out my blog, it really means a lot!

So, to start off, I wanna talk about my story so you guys get to know where I am coming from.

To start off, I'm a soccer player. Soccer has been my life ever since I first touched a ball when I was 3 or 4 years old. I am now on a really good travel team that makes me feel like I'm their family.

I also danced before. I don't anymore because it just wasn't my passion. But one of my BEST friends named Julia does...she's AMAZING at dancing. Honestly, I don't know how she does it. Dancing is so freaking hard haha.

So, hope you got to know me a smudge better!
